and kids

and kids

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunday Afternoon Crossword Puzzle

Life is so crazy right now. With older kids with "big kid schedules", we just have to re-group each Sunday, look at the next week together and prepare for more chaos. I love it and I know when the kids are grown, I'll enjoy the quietness, but I'll also miss the craziness.

I know many believe we see Papa and Grandma often because they live a few doors down, but right now, as life gets crazy, we just see them in the yard and wave while driving by and we get to sit with them in the pew on Sunday.

Today was great because we were able to go back to "old times" and eat dinner together and then sit on the deck and do the crossword, something Jason and I did with Dad every Sunday prior to kids. 
The weather was great too! It was a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon.

Now...back to chaos!

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