and kids

and kids

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Still Can't Find It!

I'm sorry for those of you that have been around me in the past few days and already heard this(actually you are probably the only ones that read this), but I must vent.

I'm tired of being slightly scatter-brained. If you knew me BK (before kids) you would know I was organized, overly organized. In some way, that is the problem.

Let me explain.

In the past few days I've had two things I needed, knew I had, but couldn't find them. One, a title to a car, and two, a package from American Eagle. This drives me crazy. I am not normally one to loose things.

I found the title in a file folder of misc-papers-I-can't-throw-away-but-don't-know-what-to-do-with (that is the official name). Why would I file a title to a car in misc folder, you ask? Because I haven't been able to find the keys to the fire-proof box to put it where it belongs. But that is another story.

I found the title, feeling a little more at ease, but that blasted package is still MIA.

I can't find it and it is driving me to insanity. Last night I dreamt all night about looking for the package. It is actually something for me to ship to my sister in South Africa. I've shipped a little bit of it at a time in various boxes and wanted to send a few more pieces with a package my mom was sending and cannot find it.

My husband would say (and I have to agree) that the reason I keep losing things is because I can't handle stuff to be sitting out, so I put it up until I need it and then can't remember where I put it. This may have happened once or twice?

So, I'm still looking.

On a positive note: the coat closet got cleaned out, my closet now has shoe organization, the pantry is very neat and tidy...

I just still can't find the package!

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