and kids

and kids

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

13 1/2 minutes

It has been almost three months since I posted about losing weight. It was supposed to be my motivation to get my butt into gear. Maybe post about it once a month with my progress, but three months later.........

no blogs

I have been using my treadmill when I can, and strangely enough, I've actually enjoyed it (shhh, don't tell anyone!). I'm still working on my ankle issues (I got an appointment with a September - that was the first appt. available) (and now it is my other ankle hurting too, maybe it is time for new shoes, but they cost $$) but I'm running.

At my yearly girly exam one month ago I still hadn't lost any weight. How frustrating! I was told that even though I'm only 32, age does start to take a part in how we lose weight and how/where we hold onto weight. UGH!

and there is the fact that I love food!!


I've pushed a little harder. Along with the treadmill a few times a week, I've been doing those Biggest Loser DVD's. Mostly the BL Yoga and I recently got the BL Boot Camp - it is great and terrible all in one. My first few times of doing level one I was reminded of muscle groups that I had forgotten about.

I have actually lost a few pounds this past month. I'd love to have lost more (never happy, I know!), but being in the 30+ age group now I guess I'll have to be happy with a few pounds.

So, what the heck does 13 1/2 minutes have to do with losing weight?

Let me give you a little history before you laugh. I am not a runner. In my younger days (like Jr. High) I enjoyed sprinting races and I won many times in PE, even against the boys. I don't have the endurance for lengthy races. OK, I don't have the endurance for even the 1 mile race. In high school, I always passed everything on the Presidential Fitness Test, except the mile run. They only required you to run it in about 8 minutes, but I always got around 11 or 12 minutes. I'd try (probably not very hard), but could never get it done.

Fast forward 15 years (oh my goodness, has it been that long?)

When I started running on the treadmill in January I would walk/run a mile in 25 minutes. Yep! You read that right, 25 minutes. And I was winded, exhausted and sweating like you wouldn't believe. So-out-of-shape. I've pushed and pushed and pushed and finally got it down to 15 minutes - I was very excited about that accomplishment.

But tonight, I ran (and walked a little) in 13 1/2 mintues. Whoo-Hoo!! I was huffing and puffing when I got done, but recovery was quick. I did enjoy it and walked an extra mile afterwards just to keep my heartrate up.

Maybe an 8 minute mile (and some more weight loss) is in my future???

...I'm gonna go get a snack to reward myself for this accomplishment, or is that the wrong thing to do?


  1. hey that's great! when i first read the title of this post, i said to myself, "sounds like how long i can run before my heart stops beating and i fall on the floor." so i was close!

  2. Great job, Gretch! Proud of you. maybe you will inspire me?

  3. 13 1/2 minutes is great! And, losing weight too, yea!!!


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